"Mousie, do you miss Ms. Faye?"
I was finally able to catch up with my former assistant today. We had a really good chat about the school I worked for and about my job now. However, the biggest thing that hit me was her little anecdote on one of my little cuties from last year.
There was a mouse puppet I used during circle time whom I called Mousie. They recently watched the Jim Gamble show like they do every year and the puppet came to mind. She finally unearthed it and showed my former students. One of them asked the question posted above.
Omg. It's enough to make me cry. I really miss my little ones from last year. My job in hawaii was so much like a family that I got really attached to the kids more and to the parents and coworkers. It's so hard not to think of them and miss them considering just how unfriendly the people can be at my work. Or at least, how much they are not as open or sincere no matter how much my boss insists that we are a family. Maybe mainlanders just have a different idea of how family is supposed to be.
Anyway, that's my spiel for the day. :( I'm hoping to get to visit before the kids leave. Maybe April. I hope april. We shall see...