Firstly, I discovered the world of Twilight last Thursday and in 5 days managed to finish all 4 books in the series. I was lucky the last book came out Saturday. Talk about perfect timing. Since then, I can't seem to get the world out of my mind. It's as if it's real but also in knowing that it isn't past of me sort of longs for that make believe to be real. Anyway, yea... I'm sure once the movie comes out I'll be rid of this slight obsession. ;) after all, the guy who plays the "hero" in the book is younger than me, so you can't quite fall for that :-P
Aside from obsessing over a story (it's been a while so cut me some slack lol), I've gotten back into fixing my garden since I want to make it beautiful for my pool party next week. More on that here:
And last night I got to see Cirque du Soleil with my sister. It was Saltimbanco. Considering the slightly mystical stories I've been reading, the world of Saltimbanco fit right in with the theme of the week. It's bright colors, quirky characters, and heart-stopping feats were entertaining. I can't believe at one point the trapeze artists were not even harnessed! The clowns were also the best. They interacted with the audience in the beginning and one guy got his shirt taken off. lol it was funny. i'm glad he was a good sport about it.
okay, that's it. gotta go. :) have a good weekend.