"When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am..." - Iris

16 December 2008

"Nothing gold can stay"

Okay, so maybe in this specific instance, it's not really gold. But I lost the silver Tiffany's ring that my boyfriend gave me for our 1st anniversary. Honestly, when I first saw it, I didn't like it that much. It was all the different things I was expecting. However, after wearing it daily for almost 2 years, it became a part of me, something that was close to my heart and something that reminded me that I was in someone else's. Even now, with it gone, my skin bears an imprint from its weight enclosing my finger. I find myself touching the spot with my thumb to adjust the ring.. only to remember with great remorse that it is gone.

I can't believe that I feel this loss so strongly. It's just a freakin' ring!!!!

But then again, it's not. After that initial reaction, I grew attached to it and all its symbolic connections. What doesn't help the case is the fact and my boyfriend and I have been feeling the long distance shutting off the life in the relationship. Losing the ring feels akin to losing the person who gave it to me. It's especially difficult that he is not around to vent to. But then again, part of the downfall has been our lack of meaningful conversation. :-\

I'm probably making a big deal out of this. But I get attached so easily. And when there is a change or a loss, it takes a while to get used to.

The worst part is that I've been racking my brain the last 2 days.. wondering how it could have fallen off! And no, I did not take it off because the only times it's off were during the paraffin wax dip for therapy and applying sunblock. I've been so distracted lately that I don't even remember the last time I noticed it on my hand. It could be anywhere. :(

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