"When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am..." - Iris

18 June 2008

Mad Money

Just watched the movie. Lesson relearned.. "When you get greedy, that's when you get caught." Not like it's a lesson I know from experience, mind you. But after watching countless movies and reading many stories.. you do notice this trend. Just like in this movie.. they began just to get some money to start with but then this one lady was so used to having a high lifestyle that she couldn't stop. And eventually, they got sloppy. Or a couple of them got sloppy. Of course, since it's a movie, all's well that ends well. But realistically, noone could get away with that.

In any case... the bigger lesson to learn is just to be good with the money you have. And if you have lots, don't spend it so blatantly cuz then people will be after you. :)

lol okay this is a rambling blog, but whatever. I just spent freakin 3 hours scrapbooking!

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