"When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am..." - Iris

31 May 2008


HBO came out with a movie about the mishap during the 2000 election. So far I'm liking it. But then again, since I wanted Al Gore to win, I guess you can say I'm biased. I'm sure Bush supporters won't agree. Then again, it is 8 years later and Al Gore got the Nobel Peace Prize while Bush is sending our country on the brink of recession, killing our young men and women out there in the middle east and has the lowest approval ratings ever. hmmm... I'm hoping some of those supporters changed their tune by now.

Anyway, I have to share that I love this person's description of the movie:

Hey, remember that fiasco that happened back in 2000, when we elected Al Gore as president but got George “pretend cowboy” Bush instead. Well, now you can relive that moment on May 25th with the HBO film Recount starring Kevin Spacey, Dennis Leary, Laura Dern and Tom Wilkinson. What a great cast! I can’t wait to see how they’ve portrayed my home state at the moment we fucked up the world.

from http://www.sirened.com/hbos-florida-recount-movie

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