"When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am..." - Iris

10 September 2008

Angel Hair

My sister came up with this nickname one weekend upon seeing a guy with the prettiest blond curls ever. However, I had to give this name to someone else. And he is so adorable that he deserves an entire blog about him. No, it's not a new hot guy I'm seeing. (Damn it lol). JK! Actually, it's a student in my class. And no it's not like that creepy way you're probably thinking. Oh great Faye, you work with kids long enough..... ermm.. yea, no.

Anyway, I'm usually not one to have favorites. At least I try very very hard not to. But this kid. Man, he wormed his way into my soft spot with his red chubby cheeks and curly brown hair. He cries and it breaks my heart. I'm like.. Faye, be objective. You can't just give in to what he wants because he's too cute for his own good. Or can I? I rule my class right? Wait, no! That would be counter productive!

So anyway... how was your day?

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