"When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am..." - Iris

10 January 2009


another day, another year

What makes a birthday special? Is it the company you keep? Is it the things you do? Is it where you go?

How can you plan this special day so that you can think of it as one of the best days of the year? .. so that the next day you don't feel like maybe there's something you could have done differently that would make you feel like... "hell yea! it was my BIRTHDAY!"

But then again, maybe it is that thought process which creates the problem. The thought that birthdays much be special. That birthdays are days apart from the other 364.

I really wanted it to be. Yesterday was my special day. It was my boyfriend's last day with me, so we spend the morning lazing about and the afternoon at the mall, basically spending as much time together as we could. In the evening, 21 wonderful friends & family joined me for dinner at a French diner. It was great. It was a lot of fun.

And so of course, the next day feels sub par in comparison.

Then again, it may just be because I miss my other half. =(

Two years in a row, my birthday is marred by a goodbye. =T We need to find a way to fix this...

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